About Our Newsletters
The Volvo Club of BC publishes newsletters for our members three times per year: January, May and September. The newsletter features a schedule of upcoming events, general interest Volvo stories, reports from past events, technical features, and a classified section.
Starting with the September 2006 newsletter, you will have the choice of receiving your newsletter digitally (from our internet site) or by surface mail as it is now. Distribution of the newsletter digitally has a couple of benefits. The benefit to you is the ability to print it your newsletter in colour. The benefit to the club is a saving of printing and mailing costs. With this newsletter every member will receive a return envelope and a form allowing them to choose between the digital or paper newsletter. If you don’t return the form, you will continue to receive the newsletter by surface mail as before. (If your membership is about to expire you will also receive a membership renewal form that you can return in the same envelope). Full details can be found here.
Members' Login
Members with a valid login can view all newsletter via the newsletter index.
Sample Newsletters
We have provided two sample newsletters for you to review: January 2006 and May 2006. You will note that the photos in these newsletters are in colour, unlike the printed version. These example are, and will remain, available for the general public to view at any time without a password.
Login Process Example
For those readers interested in knowing the details of logging in to a password protected folder we have provided a demonstration folder. Simply click on this link. You will be asked to supply a user name and password. (User name:vcbcguest Password: amazon122). Enter them in the appropriate boxes and then click "OK". If you make an error and receive a message, you can either hit your Refresh button to try again OR your Back button to go back to the previous page. Once logged in, you will see an index with the two available newsletters. These happen to be the same as those samples mentioned above.
Mobile Users
On a trial basis only, we will place the textual contents of the newsletter in an area for users of mobile or handheld browsers. This may also be useful for people with dial-up accounts who do not wish to download an entire pdf file. The size of these text-only files will vary depending on length, but can expected to be 3 to 6 kilobytes compared to 900 kilobytes for a pdf of the entire newsletter.
Adobe Reader
In order to open and view pdf files, you must have a copy of Adobe Reader installed on your computer. This software is commonly installed on many computers and can be obtained free of charge by clicking on the "Get Adobe Reader" image below. Adobe reader in not required to open and view the text files mentioned in the section "Mobile Users".
In the future, we may provide an email notification service to those people wishing to be notified of a new newsletter. If you feel strongly about this, one way or the other, please drop us a line and we will consider feedback. You can reach us through the Contacts Page.