Volvo Models Throughout the Years
John H. Laughlin - Model FAQ
We have links to the very excellent model description with the Volvo Club of UK. Bear in mind that there may be some differences in the trim between models sold in the two countries. For a complete history of the 140/240 series cars, please follow this link to an article on Swedish Bricks written by John H. Laughlin. John covers the features of this model throughout the years of 1967 to 1993. He even makes specific mention of the Canadian versions.
Model FAQ
Links to Model Descriptions courtesy of Volvo Club of UK
We have links to the very excellent model description with the Volvo Club of UK. Bear in mind that there may be some differences in the trim between models sold in the two countries, besides the very obvious.
544 1800 122/123 142/144/145/164 242/244/245/264 740/760/940/960 850 S70/V70 S80 S40/V40
Volvo 66DL - Holland
Many thanks to our website reader Sander Clabbers from the Netherlands for the pictures of his European Volvo 66DL. It is a 1978 and originates from the Dutch Volvo Plant. Images average about 75 kB each. Use "Back" to return to this page.
Photo of back of car.
Photo of engine.
Photo of front of car.
Photo of inside of car.
Side view of car.
If we gather any more information on Sander's car, we will post it here.