Links to BC Local Interest Websites
Sport Car Club of BC
This is the grand-daddy of motorsport clubs in BC. This club pre-dates most car clubs in BC, having started in May of 1951. This club was the founding organisation of the Westwood race track in Coquitlam. Even before Westwood opened in 1959, the Club had already hosted hill climbs on Grouse Mountain and events at Abbottsford Airport.
Specialty Vehicle Association
This is the umbrella and lobby group for car collectors and clubs throughout British Columbia. Of special interest is the topic of Collector Plates.
Collector Plates
Collector Plates have been available to car collectors for many years. Collector Plates essentially allow an owner of a collectible car to obtain insurance from ICBC at a discounted rate, but only under very specific terms. Notably, the vehicle must be maintained in its original state and may not be used for anything other than pleasure. Further, the owner must maintain a primary vehicle. A case in the Supreme Court of Biritish Columbia, 2002 BCSC 1285, between CHRISTOPHER ROSS MADDEN and ARRY MCKENZIE MADDEN and ICBC, outlines the importance of abiding by the rules set forth by the Insurance Corporation.
Read the Reasons for Judgement. See also the Terms and Conditions from ICBC
See alsot the brochure on Licensing and Insurance Options for Car Enthusiasts
Mission Raceway
Located in Mission, British Columbi Lower Mainland