Volvo Club of BC Feature Photos


John Dymond

Regular readers of the Club newsletter will recall some interesting letters from our Club member John Dymond of Fort St. John. (See the February and May 2003 editions.) John is a true Volvo enthusiast. John has spent thirty years in the forestry sector and when not busy at work devotes his time to his family and cars (to some of us, those two are synonymous).

This picture, looking over the steering wheel of his 1800, is on the trip back from San Francisco where he bought it sight-unseen last summer; the view is along the Oregon coastline. Great trip. Enlarge [110 kB]
Here is his 1800 at home in his driveway the day that it returned home after spending a lengthy time in the body shop. You see, on the way home from California, in Quesnel to be precise, the hood blew off the car (rusty hinges) and smashed the hood, fenders and windshield. Fortunately ICBC paid most of it, but it was about two months getting out of the shop. Enlarge [143 kB]
John's wife's 1992 960. Enlarge [87 kB]
John's daughter's 1989 760. Enlarge [109 kB]
Northern California. Enlarge [1074 kB]