Vancouver Island Show-N-Shine IX
July 9, 2011
Our Vancouver Island interpretation of Show-N-Shine has always been - “Show up and we’ll hope the sun shines”. Well, this year it all came through in flying colours. The forecast for Saturday 9 July had been good all week. And Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny and as the day wore on it only got better.
Your island director arrived at the Olsson Estate bright and early in his 50 year old grey P1800 to find host Bjorn already at work setting up. The next two cars on scene were a unique combination. Previously we have had a brother sister team with different 140/240 series Volvos. This time the match was even closer. Lucy Cuthill parked her (418) red 94 850 next to daughter Jill Bone’s (418) red 96 850. About the only difference in the cars is a slight tint to the rear windows of Jill’s car (extra shade for 3 ½ year old Kaylee riding in back) and a set of after market mags on Jill’s car. That matched brace of shiny red 850s really stood out.
Of course there were many other cars there too. I mean what sunny island day would be complete without Peter and Pavla Landsman’s sunshine yellow 1800ES? To contrast this, Steve Sakiyama, instead of his lovely 122 wagon, brought his newly acquire 1800E which is classed as a work in progress. At the other end of the front line Lorne Knutson positioned his gold 73 ES. Monika Price brought her 92 940 but thought it wasn’t shiny enough to enter the paddock. But it didn’t take much convincing for her to join in the fun. After all, the sun was shining and she did show up and so was most welcome. Host Bjorn Olsson added a bright red 544 and from up island Chris Blasé brought their 84 760T down from Shawnigan Lake, Henning and Monica Kristensen brought a silver 740T from Duncan and the Gary and Wendy Woodley drove their 242T all the way down from Courtenay/Comox. I had to make sure Bill Paitson from Nanaimo parked in a sunny spot. I just love the rich deep blue of his pristine S90. Rounding out the visitors roster were mainlanders Bert and Cathy Sherlock in a 122 in town on business trip which they extended to include the weekend meet.
It seemed the 120 series was the popular car of the day. Two 123 GTs by Colin MacLock and Gordon Murray and two more 122s belonging to Joel Friesen, and Roland deSchepper. Well, the 122 driven by Roland was actually son Chris’s who arrived in his V70. But this was a very unique 122 – it was an automatic and immaculately restored. It was destined to eventually take the People’s Choice award. I put both names on the plaque and will let them sort out who gets to keep it.
To round out the collection of 850s was Mark Jackman’s 850 wagon (co-incidentally the same 418 red as the two previously noted sedans) and a grey 94 wagon owned by Bob Woodrow. For variety Ron and Marie Walker brought a beautiful example of the 164, a 1973. From downtown Victoria, newcomer Pavel Kurdedov arrived in a 240. And from nearby Brentwood Bay Don Chambers brought his 83 245. Last in was Don MacVicar in his shiny white 544.
All in all we had twenty four cars on the front lawn. Following refreshments and an open BBQ we got to the ceremonial cutting of the P1800 birthday cake. The fire marshal said we couldn’t put fifty candles on it to celebrate the 50th birthday of the 1800 series due to the risk of the fire spreading. So we had hosts Bjorn and Kjellaug go ahead and slice the cake with blue and yellow icing in the pattern of the Swedish flag. There was enough to go around plus a little left over.
All too soon the sun had traversed to the western section of the sky and it was time for folks to start taking their leave. Some had ferries to catch back to the mainland and others had a bit of a drive ahead returning up island. All in all though a very successful meet. Ideas and addresses exchanged, technical items discussed, stories told and almost too much fun was had by all. We really must do this again some time! I’m sure we will.