Show-N-Shine? Well Almost
May 05, 2005
The Fourth Annual Island Show-N-Shine , unlike previous years, almost lived up to its name this year. They did show up but the sun didn’t shine. Sunday 15 May started out dry but overcast on the peninsula at Bjorn and Kjellaug’s lovely acreage in Saanichton. Bob had put out the signs, and put up the club banner. Bjorn and Bob had their own cars positioned on the new front lawn and had the bright blue Express out near the street as the last hint that you had arrived at the correct location for the Show-N-Shine.
In addition to a lot of the regulars, we had quite a selection of first timers this year. Phil Mansfield, who had attended last year but didn’t have his 64 122 quite ready, brought the beautifully finished product out for us to see. Joining us from nearby Gabriola Island, Hugh and Jenny MacLeod brought a lovely gold 72 1800 ES. Another local, Rhys Kent (SU carb overhauler extraordinaire) brought his recently acquire project car, an 80 242. A late arrival, but just in time for the door prize draw was Sean Drabbit in his white 1800 ES. Brenda Kelly reported that Mike had spent hours polishing his 70 144. Bob and Mike had spent a lot of time over the last year getting this car running and back on the road and Mike had the original paint looking very spiffy. Not a first timer at a Show-N-Shine, Michael Forsyth brought his recently finished shiny white 65 544.
For a while it looked like the long distance award might go to club member John Ginter from Abbotsford, but it soon became apparent that with the arrival of a red 65 544 with a custom (and matching colour) teardrop trailer all the way down from Vernon in the interior, Pat and Ingvar Svard were clearly the winners. All in all we had some 22 Volvos of various marks on display, from very new to quite old, from ultra stock to so modified you had to look twice to be sure it had at least started out as a Volvo (I didn’t know Volvo made a 164 pick-up truck??) There was lots of swapping of stories, renewing of old acquaintances and making of new ones. Of course, as soon as the BBQ fired up everyone started to migrate towards Bjorn’s big double garage/workshop.
With lunch underway and just about everyone in one place it was time for the door prize draws. While the club sponsored some oil and filter combinations for the home mechanic, special thanks must go out the Chapman Motors, Volvo of Victoria and Landsman Motors for their generous donations towards this year’s event. It was about this time that we all started moving inside the workshop as a gentle Victoria rain started to fall. It didn’t come down hard or last very long, but it was enough to break our lucky streak of no rain at the previous three meets. And it certainly wasn’t enough to dampen any spirits.
Another successful Show-N-Shine and a great start to another season of cars events.